Non-formal education practices

Cyberbullying and Bodyshaming

Cyberbullying encompasses the malicious use of digital platforms—such as social media, chat rooms, e-mail, and websites—to harass, threaten, humiliate, or target individuals or groups with repeated, deliberate intent.

Over-gaming or gaming addiction

Youth cyber-threat gaming addiction, often recognized as Internet Gaming Disorder (IGD), is defined as the excessive use of online gaming that leads to significant impairment or distress.

Hikikomori Syndrome

Hikikomori is a phenomenon primarily observed in Japan, characterised by extreme social withdrawal and isolation.

Hoaxes & Scam

Youth cyber-threats, particularly online hoaxes and scams, represent significant concerns within the digital landscape.


Gambling, when considered within the context of online risks, pertains to the participation in virtual games of chance or the act of placing bets on unpredictable outcomes via internet-based platforms.


Youth cyber-threat trolling refers to the actions of individuals, typically within the age range of 12 to 29, engaging in deliberate and repetitive behaviour aimed at harassing or bullying others through the use of digital technologies.

Grooming & Fake Identities on social media

Digital grooming involves the strategic establishment of deceptive online relationships by adults with minors, primarily for exploitative purposes, often sexual.


Sexting, the act of sending or receiving sexually explicit messages, photos, or videos primarily via mobile phones but also on other digital devices and platforms, has gained significant attention from researchers, educators, and lawmakers.


Phishing attacks often involve fraudulent e-mails, messages, or websites designed to impersonate legitimate organisations, such as banks, social media platforms, or government agencies.